The advancement of the computer age has introduced many new terms into our everyday vocabulary, one of these words, “hacker,” has to do with deviance and crime. Popular culture defines hackers as those who, through use of exceptional computer skills, are able to break into the computers owned by banks and government agencies. They snoop through information that does not belong to them, they steal expensive software, and they transfer funds from bank account to bank account. Criminologists have described hackers in the following terms: “electronic trespassers” or “electronic vandals.” Hackers are recognized as “computer criminal.” They draw a clear distinction between the joyriding hacker and the trusted white collar employee who turns bad. Thus, we are seemingly left with a definition that has two extremes. The modern day bank robber at one end, the trespassing teenager at the other. Either activity (and any which falls in between) could be classified as “hacking.” Unfo...