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(Bio) Terror - Diseases, Viruses, Bugs, Antidotes, Vectors.

The whole process of investigation has been gradually improved and enhanced by the modern forensic science. Multiple numbers of teams are engaged in the 'trace & search' procedures. Bear in mind no – one has ever won a case single – handily. Uniformed officers and detectives do not have full range of knowledge and skills to proceed the entire crime scene, furthermore, the crime scene investigation officers are the one who are equipped to collect and preserve physical evidence, they arrive at the crime scene with evidence collection kits.

The personnel cannot be classified, there is not such a thing, the units which are present at the crime scene are represented by public safety organisation.

The ID officers thoroughly record, photograph the whole crime scene. The findings of fingerprints are crucial, in fingerprint collection the comparison makes the decisive match. Cases differ, have different background and surrounding, therefore, an accurate architectural rendition is used for the purpose of the investigation.

The IT technology made a tremendous step forward in the case of the identification the crime scene, it is up – to—date, it is faster and more convenient. The computer programs are used to make accurate drawing of the crime scene, photographers use specialized photography, aerial photography is used and needed to illustrate the outdoor crime scene.

The branch of sciences such as chemistry, biology, physics and medicine are applied to the recognition, identification, collection and preservation of physical evidence.

The criminalist takes part in homicide investigation, where  there are the traces of biological evidence and crime scene reconstruction.

A new group of scientists emerged – forensic nurses. This new and effective group of professionals provide valuable source to the police.

Bear in mind the crime scene in a brutal site any remains of the victim and victim itself present horrific and obnoxious image. Mental stability and balance it required. Not always the victim is found where it was said to be, for the purpose of search cadaver dogs are used to trace the scent of decaying reminds.

The forensic toxicologists determine the nature of the adulterant of the food stuff on any consumer products. The sophisticated laboratory equipment determines the poison or the other contaminants. It is a tedious process.

While the demise is determined the following points are crucial :
  • post mortem toxicology which indicates the absence or presence of drugs, other chemicals such as ethanol and other volatile substances such as carbon monoxide, gases, metals any substances that might cause deaths.
  • Human – performance toxicology which indicates the presence or absence of ethanol or other drugs, chemicals in blood, breath, the examination evaluates its role in modifying humane behavior and performance.
  • Forensic urine drug testing determines the absence or presence of drugs in metabolic system to demonstrate prior use or abuse.

Mustn't it be forgotten health and safety issues at the crime scene are vital due to a threat of chemical and biological terrorism as well as potential exposure to diseases at the crime scene, notwithstanding, the police officers and units should be aware of the following possible biological terrorist threats:
  • viruses, fungi, bugs, vaccines, antidotes, spores, vectors;
  • toxins, venom, poisons, weapons;
  • any information concerning theft or attempted theft of biological cultures from medical facilities;
  • Any indication of the existence of unusual infectious disease or other medical condition such as anthrax, botulism, staphylococcal enterotoxemia in the locality where such a condition is not prevalent;
  • any evidence of a suspicious research activities such as reports on rats, mice, rabbits, sheep, goats, or eggs at an incongruous location; the death of large numbers of such animals in any locality, or an unexplained existence of medical protective garments, gloves, medical face masks;
  • any attempt to obtain meteorological data such as temperature, humidity, wind condition, or nay other relevant data contained in current weather forecasts.
Possible indicators of chemical terrorist threat:
  • any references to the terms 'chemical agent', 'nerve agent', 'blood agent', 'blister agent', 'choking agent', 'mellowing agent', 'incapacitant', 'GA', 'GB', 'GD', 'GF', 'GH', 'VE', 'VM';
  • any references to use oxidizers, bleaches, other decontaminates;
  • any unexplained attempt to purchase bulk chemicals;
  • any information concerning the theft or attempted theft of a tanker truck containing hazardous chemicals;
  • any attempt to acquire antidotes against chemical nerve agents such as atropine;
  • any unexplained report of individuals suffering from the symptoms of exposure to chemical agents such as burns or muscular seizures.

In any case the health symptoms concern the investigator; he or she should obtain a professional medical service; the pathogens are the most dangerous; we may distinguish two may sources;
  • nonrutine pathogens
  • blood-borne pathogens (AIDS, hepatitis viruses)
In case of anaphylactic shock the instant medical help is required. The shock is life-threatening allergic reaction to particular allergen (e.g. Insect sting), the reaction occurs most often following a direct injection into a bloodstream that provokes a massive release of histamine and other chemicals. Blood vessels dilate with sudden loss of blood pressure the symptoms are as follows:
  • itchy rash;
  • breathing difficulty;
  • swollen tongue;
In very harsh cases, CPR is the only hope to recuse someone life.

Hanta virus in found in rodent urine, feces, and saliva. The symptoms are like – flu ones, mostly, pulmonary ones. Within three days the breathing seems to be exceptionally difficult, in approximately forth day capillaries begin leaking; within 24 hours a patients enters a critical condition, the death results from the loss of blood. It was reported that workers who live and act in the contaminated spot develop the symptoms within 45 days, notwithstanding the circumstances they should seek an instant medical help. Rodents are the main vectors.

The viruses, vectors and diseases evolve all the time, their habitat and natural reservoir changes and adjust to Ours. Studying them progressively We defend Ourselves from the disaster and fatal death it all carry. The police officers work with people from a variety of backgrounds; professional manner will aid in achieving successful outcomes to investigation.

  1. Criminal Investigations – Crime Scene Investigation.2000
  2. Forensic Science.2006
  3. Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation.2012
  4. Forensics Pathology.2001
  5. Pathology.2005   
The Police Department; and a Chief Inspector – Mr. Erik Akerboom                                               ©


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