forensic science originated in the middle ages and nineteenth century.
The evaluation of it wouldn't be possible if it had been for
chemistry, biology and medicine, investigation of trace evidence
became more subjective. It indeed led to legal controversies during the trials. Therefore the procedures and the approach had to be
first came the development of photography into a mobile form of
documentation, applicable to both crime scenes and laboratories. The
evolution of chemistry was crucial as a science, predominantly in
Germany, it helped to ease and make chemical evidence analysis more
accurate and reliable. The refinement and application of microscope
to the routine study of plant and animal tissue and trace evidence
from the crime scene sped up the investigation which works on time at all times. Not to mention the advances in medical
pathology which enabled to use and apply definitive knowledge and
documentation. The outcome was obtained from routine dissection and analysis in
cases of unnatural death.
development of forensic sciences was not equal throughout the world,
apparently, Europe made a tombstone to have it much more profound. The
forensic medicine developed firmly from the very beginning. The
study of questioned documents became a tool at that era.
Criminalistics as a science was recognized and acknowledged 97 years
pathology provides an excellent example of the degree of refinement of all other fields of sciences, it symbolizes medical jurisprudence.
hunt and the murder are in Our veins, since prehistoric times when plants were first
used for their poison content the crimes began. Throughout the
centuries the great knowledge has been accumulated regarding the
actions and use of poisonous substances. Early Indian and Egyptians
writings included references to poisonous lotions. Furthermore Greek
and Roman literature describes the use of poisonous and venomous
substances for suicidal and homicidal purposes. All of these were
just common, irrelevant cases, the professional poisoning started in
the 19th century. The aim was one to get rig of Kings,
Popes, Nobility. The art of poisoning blossomed during the
Renaissance. It eased instantly after the king Henry III punished a
poisoner by boiling to death. The most common substances used for
poisoning were derived from the following plants: hemlock, aconite,
opium, arsenic, corrosive sublimate.
only certain sign of poisoning is the chemical identification of
the poison in the organs of the body ..."
identification of some poisonous substances was very difficult for
example; arsenic; a test detection was done in 1836 by James Marsh.
The first extraction of arsenic from human tissue was accomplished in the same year.
had one major point, to get into the murderer's mind, the forensic
psychiatry gives onset to criminal profiling. The police
investigation is based on a study of the behavior of the serial
murderer so that the suspect can be evaluated before and after he or
she has been placed in custody.
- Criminal Investigations – Crime Scene Investigation.2000
- Forensic Science.2006
- Techniques of Crime Scene Investigation.2012
- Forensics Pathology.2001
- Pathology.2005
Acknowledgements: and a Chief Inspector – Mr. Erik Akerboom ©
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