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I See You Through

X-rays are invaluable in the evaluation of gunshot wounds. They should be taken in all gunshot wound cases, especially those in which there appears to be an exit wound. X-rays are useful for a variety of reasons:
1.  To see whether the bullet or any part of it is still in the body.
2.  To locate the bullet.
3.  To locate for retrieval small fragments deposited in the body by a bullet that has exited.
4.  To identify the type of ammunition or weapon used prior to autopsy or to make such an identification if it cannot be made at autopsy
5.  To document the path of the bullet.

Using x-rays to locate a bullet will save valuable time at autopsy whether one is dealing with a routine or a special situation. In instances of bullet emboli, x-rays are invaluable in locating the bullet. Hours of tedious dissection can be saved. X-rays are also helpful in instances where a bullet track abruptly ends in muscle and no missile is present at the end of the track. Theoretically, one should have a hemorrhagic track from the entrance to the site where the bullet finally lodges. However, in some instances — especially with small-caliber bullets such as the .22 rimfire — the last 3 to 4 in. of the track, if it is in skeletal muscle, may be free from hemorrhage and virtually unidentifiable because the bullet has slipped in between and along fascial planes. Such an occurrence is seen most commonly in the arm and thigh. Occasionally an exiting bullet will have enough energy to create a defect in the skin but will rebound back into the body. This may be due either to the elastic nature of the skin or to resistance from overlying clothing. A special situation can arise with partial metal-jacketed bullets. Here separation of the jacket and the core can occur as the missile moves through the body. The lead core may exit while the jacket remains. At autopsy, if one is unaware that the jacket is present in the body and that it was the core that exited rather than the whole bullet, the jacket can readily be missed. This is especially true if the jacket lodges in the muscle adjacent to the exit. To compound the problem, the core may be recovered at the scene by the police and then be mistaken for the complete bullet. The medical examiner may be informed that the “bullet” was recovered. Facilitating the misidentification of a lead core as a bullet is the fact that the core may have very faint “rifling” marks impressed on it through the jacket. These marks, however, are class characteristics, not individual characteristics; thus, ballistic comparison is not possible. Although in most instances the lead core exits and the jacket remains, sometimes the opposite situation occurs, with the jacket exiting the body. The recovered bullet core will show the impressed marks of the lands and grooves. Ballistic comparison cannot be made, however, as these are only class characteristics. If the fragments are large enough, they can be submitted for quantitative compositional analysis by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. A comparison can then be made with a bullet recovered at the scene and suspected to be the lethal missile. The trace metal content of these fragments may also be compared with bullets in a box of cartridges that is thought to have been the source of the fatal cartridge. Although no one can testify absolutely that a fragment came from a particular bullet or box of ammunition, one can testify that the fragment and the other ammunition are identical in all measurable properties. If the combination of trace metals is very rare, one can say that the probability of the bullet coming from another source is extremely small. In x-rays of through-and-through gunshot wounds, the presence of small fragments of metal along the wound track virtually rules out full metal jacketed ammunition, such as may be used in a semi-automatic pistol. The reverse is not true, however; absence of lead on x-ray does not necessarily rule out a lead bullet. In rare instances, involving full metal-jacketed centerfire rifle bullets, a few small, dust-like fragments of lead may be seen on x-ray if the bullet perforates bone. One of the most characteristic x-rays and one that will indicate the type of weapon and ammunition used is that seen from centerfire rifles firing hunting ammunition. In such a case, one will see a “lead snowstorm”. Examination of the x-ray, however, will show that these fragments are larger, coarser and significantly fewer in number than those seen in the “lead snowstorm”. Routine x-rays in deaths from gunshot wound may reveal old bullets, pellets, or bullet fragments unrelated to the victim’s death. There is usually no problem distinguishing them from new bullets when they are recovered, as the old bullets are encapsulated in fibrous scar tissue. These bullets usually have a black color as a result of oxidation. Black discoloration can occur in a new bullet, however, if the bullet is exposed to the contents of the gastrointestinal tract. The pellet perforated the left lung, coming to rest in the musculature of the back adjacent to the spinal column. In gunshot wounds of the skull, a large fragment of lead may be deposited between the scalp and the outer table of the skull at the entrance site. This piece of lead is sheared off the bullet as it enters. wad picked up from the barrel as the wad moved down it.

In shotgun wounds in charred bodies, the range at which the individual was shot is often an important question. Determination of range cannot be made from the spread of the pellets on x-rays. Pellets entering the body in a mass strike one another, dispersing at random angles throughout the tissue. In some cases, bullets carry fragments of an intermediary target into the body and these can be visualized on x-rays. Examples would be links of a necklace or wrist chain, links from a zipper or wire screen. X-rays should always be taken while the deceased is fully clothed, it will reveal bullets that exited the body and are retained in the clothing.

The Police Department; and a Chief Inspector – Mr. Erik Akerboom     ©


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