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Aspects of Ballistics

Rifles and handguns have rifled barrels, that is, spiral grooves have been cut the length of the interior or bore of the barrel. Rifling consists of these grooves and the metal left between the grooves—the lands. The purpose of rifling is to impart a rotational spin to the bullet along its longitudinal axis. This gyroscopic effect stabilizes the bullet’s flight through the air, preventing it from tumbling end over end. This spin does not, however, stabilize the bullet after it enters the body due to the greater density of tissue compared to air. The term “twist,” as it pertains to rifling, refers to the number of inches or centimeters of bore required for one complete rifling spiral. All modern weapons have a twist which is constant for the entire length of the barrel. Some weapons manufactured in the beginning of the 20th century, had a “gain” twist; in this type of rifling, the rate of twist increases from breech to muzzle. Muzzle velocity is allegedly increased 5 to 6%. Ballistic comparison of bullets fired from weapons with polygonal boring may be very difficult. Because of this, when one police department ordered their Glock pistols, they specified that the barrels have the traditional rifling rather than the polygonal rifling that is routinely used in Glocks. In a specific barrel, the direction of the rifling can easily be determined by examining the upper half of the bore and observing whether the rifling curves to the left (left twist, counterclockwise) or to the right (right twist, clockwise) as it proceeds away from one’s view.  A minority of foreign handgun manufacturers and some U.S. manufacturers of cheap weapons also use a left-hand twist. The majority of domestic and foreign handgun manufacturers, however, use a right-hand twist. Polygonal rifling has a right-hand twist. The number of lands and grooves in a weapon can range from 2 to 22. Most modern weapons have four, five, or six grooves. Colt handguns traditionally have had six lands and grooves with a left-hand twist, while Smith & Wesson has had five lands and grooves with a right-hand twist. Most centerfire rifles have four or six grooves, with a right-hand twist. Rifle barrels with two grooves were manufactured during World War II for the M-1 Carbine, the .30–06 Springfield rifle, and the British .303 Enfield. A commercial M-1 Carbine manufactured by Universal had a barrel with 12 grooves and a right hand twist. A CDM derringer examined by the author had one barrel with six grooves and the other with twelve. When a bullet is fired down a rifled barrel, the rifling imparts a number of markings to the bullet that are called “class characteristics.” These markings may indicate the make and model of the gun from which the bullet has been fired. They result from the specifications of the rifling, as laid down by the individual manufacturer. These characteristics are:

1.  Number of lands and grooves
2.  Diameter of lands and grooves
3.  Width of lands and grooves
4.  Depth of grooves
5.  Direction of rifling twist
6.  Degree of twist

For lead bullets these individual characteristics are more pronounced where the grooves score the bullet. In contrast, for jacketed bullets, the land markings are the most pronounced. These individual characteristics are peculiar to the particular firearm that fired the bullet and not to any others. They are as individual as fingerprints. No two barrels, even those made consecutively by the same tools, will produce the same markings on a bullet. Thus, while the class characteristics may be identical on bullets fired by two different weapons, the individual characteristics will be different.

When a gun is discharged, the bullet is forced down the barrel by the gases of combustion. Both class and individual characteristics are imparted to the bullet, whether it is lead or jacketed. Because lead is softer, one might postulate that bullet markings on lead bullets are more distinctive than those found on jacketed bullets. In actual practice, markings on the jacketed bullets are usually superior, because the jacket of harder metal is less likely to have the rifling marks wiped off by the target. In order to recover bullets for ballistic comparison, bullets were traditionally fired into cotton waste. The individual characteristics that a barrel imparts to a bullet may be destroyed by rust, corrosion, or the firing of thousands of rounds of jacketed ammunition down a barrel. Accumulation of large quantities of dirt and grease from multiple firings may also alter to some degree markings imparted to a bullet. The material of which the bullet is constructed and the velocity and pressures to which the cartridge is  loaded have an effect on bullet markings. Therefore, it is good practice to use the same brand of ammunition as that fired from the suspect’s gun when trying to make a comparison. In fact, it is best to use other cartridges taken from the gun or from the same box of ammunition for comparison testing. The reason for these suggestions is that ammunition may vary greatly from one lot to another. The bullets used in one lot may be slightly different in composition from those of another lot. The powder used may be completely different, and the cartridges may be loaded to a higher or lower pressure. Skidding occurs when the bullet jumps the gap between the cylinder and the barrel and strikes the lands. The bullet resists the attempt of the lands to impart a spin and “skids.” Bullets fired from an automatic may show skid marks when the bullet is slightly smaller than the desired diameter for a particular bore. This discrepancy causes the bullet to skid as it enters the rifling before settling down. As a general rule, however, skidding rarely occurs in automatic pistols, as the bullet is in contact with the lands before firing and follows them from the start. The presence of skid marks on an automatic pistol bullet may be of significance, as it may indicate that the bullet was fired in a revolver rather than in an automatic. Shaving one surface of a bullet fired from a revolver is sometimes encountered. This happens because the cylinder of the revolver is improperly aligned with the bore of the barrel (so-called poor indexing) and thus lead is shaved from the bullet as it jumps the gap from the cylinder to barrel. Both cheaply made revolvers and revolvers of quality that are badly worn may cause shaving. In some instances, bullets may appear distorted when recovered from a body due to the fact that they were fired in weapons not chambered for them. Ward et al. reported two cases, a homicide and a suicide, in which .38 Special wadcutter cartridges were fired in .30–30 rifles. Bullets recovered from decomposed bodies may show partial or complete loss of individual rifling striations depending upon the tissue from which the bullet was recovered and the construction of the bullet. There were bullets inserted of various construction, into different areas of a human body and let it decompose for 66 days, there is an outcome of what has been found:

1.  Nylon-clad bullets were uniformly unaffected by decomposition.
2.  Aluminum jacketed bullets were mildly affected but there was no loss of striations.
3.  Lead bullets from the brain, chest cavity, and abdominal cavity showed mild tarnishing but were matchable while those from fat and muscle showed dissolution and oxidation to the point of impairing a match.
4.  Bullets with copper alloy jacketing, including those with nickel-wash, were not matchable except for copper alloy bullets recovered from the chest cavity which were borderline.
Examination of a fired cartridge case may make possible the identification of a weapon in terms of type, make, and model. The presence of magazine markings, the type of breech-block mark, and the size, shape, and location of ejector and extractor marks are important imprints in making such identification. The size, shape, and location of the firing pin on fired rimfire cartridge cases can also be used to determine the make of the weapon. During manufacture, small parallel grooves have been cut into the wall of the chamber permitting powder gases to surround the cartridge case to allow the neck of the cartridge case to “float” on gas, thus aiding extraction. They are found in rifles, pistols, submachine guns, and machineguns. Flute marks may be present only on the neck or shoulder area of cases or along most of its length.  Different forms of powder produce different marks: spherical (true) ball powder produces numerous deep circular pits; disk powder produces shallow, circular imprints as well as linear markings (powder flakes striking on edge); black powder produces a characteristic peppered appearance.  If a bullet passes through a body or intermediary target, or ricochets off a hard surface, fragments of tissue or target material may adhere to or be imbedded in the bullet. If the bullet is a hollow point, a relatively large wad of this material may be deposited in the cavity. Recovery and identification of foreign material from a bullet may identify the organs or intermediary object perforated or prove that the bullet was a ricochet. Tissue recovered from low-velocity bullets was better preserved and more abundant. Adipose tissue, fragments of small vessels, clumps of spindle cells were most commonly found; skeletal and cardiac muscle, occasionally. Visceral organ fragments were not necessarily found even when the organs were perforated. Skin was the least commonly encountered. In regard to gunshot wounds of the head, bone chips, skeletal muscle, connective tissue, and strips of small vessels were commonly identified. Fragments of brain were present but were not readily recognizable as neural in origin. While blood from the victim is often searched for on the clothing of the alleged perpetrator, it is not appreciated that in contact wounds of the head, brain tissue may be blown back on the perpetrator’s clothing. The stains produced do not resemble blood but rather coffee or soft drink stains. If these areas are soaked in saline solution, cellular material may be extracted from the cloth. Brain tissue can then be identified by cytological methods. A bullet found at a scene may be linked to the specific individual through which the bullet had passed by examining tissue deposited on the bullet. This is possible even if no tissue is visible on macroscopic examination of the bullet and it is full metal-jacketed. As a bullet passes through a body, tissue is deposited on its surface even if the tissue is not visible.

The tissue can be removed by swabbing the bullet; the DNA replicated and DNA “fingerprinting” performed by short tandem repeat (STR) analysis. Both the public and many police agencies do not realize, that identifiable fingerprints may be obtained from fired cartridge cases.  Pulling the trigger causes release of the firing pin. This strikes the primer, crushing it, igniting the primer composition, and producing an intense flame. The flame enters the main chamber of the cartridge case through one or more vents, igniting the powder and producing a large quantity of gas and heat. This gas, which may be heated to 5200°F, exerts pressure on the base of the bullet and sides of the cartridge case. As the bullet travels down the barrel, some of the gas leaks past the bullet, emerging from the muzzle ahead of it. The bulk of the gas and any unburnt powder, however, emerge after the bullet. The amount of unburned or partially burned powder exiting depends largely on the burning properties of the powder and the length of the barrel. Smokeless powder does not explode; rather, it burns. The rate of burning can be controlled by the manufacturer by means of varying the size and shape of the powder grains, as well as by coating them with substances that retard combustion. Ideally, the propellant should start burning slowly, gradually increasing its rate of combustion until it is completely consumed just as the bullet leaves the muzzle. Such ideal burning powder is virtually never achieved because the same powder is used to propel bullets of various calibers and weights down barrels of different lengths. Bullet weight causes variations in burning by altering the pressure of the gases in the firing chamber. When powder is ignited and gas forms, the bullet does not begin to move immediately. There is a small interval of time necessary for the gas to overcome the inertia of the bullet and the resistance of its passing down the barrel. This interval increases with the weight of the bullet if everything else remains constant. As the interval increases, the pressure increases, causing the powder to burn faster and give off more heat. The heat in turn raises the gas pressure. If there is an ideally progressive burning powder for a specified bullet weight and that weight is increased, the interval will increase and the powder will burn faster. Therefore, the powder will be burned before the bullet leaves the barrel. Lightening the weight of the bullet would cause the opposite effect; in this case, not all the powder will be burned before the bullet emerges from the muzzle. The “ball of fire” emerging from the muzzle consists of oxygen-deprived gases produced by ignition of gunpowder. When they emerge from the barrel at extremely high temperatures, they react with the oxygen in the atmosphere, producing what is commonly known as the “muzzle flash.” This should not be confused with the flame.

To sum up it has been defined that a hangfire or delayed discharge “as one that is of abnormal duration and perceptible to the shooter by means of sight or sound”. It has also be noted other characteristics of hangfires: reduced velocity; reduced report; substantial quantities of unburnt powder in the cartridge case and/or bore of the gun; sooty deposits on the exterior wall of the cartridge case and little or no expansion of the case.

The Police Department; and a Chief Inspector – Mr. Erik Akerboom     ©


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