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Imperative Intoxication: Drugs

It is absolutely necessary for a medicolegal system to have access to a well-equipped, adequately staffed toxicology laboratory. Without this, rulings as to cause and manner of death may be erroneous.

All physicians and toxicologists have had cases where an individual was found to have a fatal level of drug in the blood but was functioning with this level; the drug had nothing to do with the death. This is seen typically in drug abusers who acquire a tolerance to drug levels that would kill an ordinary person, but are normal functioning levels to them. This same situation is seen by clinical physicians — the patient admitted to the emergency room conscious and coherent, with drug levels that would be associated with unconsciousness or death in most individuals.  In all autopsy cases, at a minimum, blood, urine, bile, and vitreous should be collected if available.

All specimens should be collected with a clean needle and a new syringe. The specimens of blood, urine, bile, and vitreous should be placed in glass containers, not plastic, because these fluids can leach out plastic polymers from the wall of a plastic container. If the blood is subsequently analyzed by gas chromatography, the polymers will give peaks that could mask certain compounds and interfere with analysis. In some cases, substances such as volatiles can be lost, due to absorption by the plastic.

• Collect the blood from the femoral vessels. If this is not possible, the other sites for collection, in descending order of preference, are:
• The subclavian vessels
• The root of the aorta
• The pulmonary artery
• The superior vena cava
• The heart
• Collect a minimum of 50 mL of blood.
• 20 ml in a 20-mL red-top glass test tube
• 20 ml in two 10 mL gray-top glass test tubes (preservative potassium oxalate and sodium fluoride)
• 10 ml in a purple top glass test tube (preservative EDTA) for DNA analysis
• Collect all the vitreous
• Collect 20 ml of urine
• Collect up to 20 ml of bile

Label the specimens with name of deceased; case number; date of examination; name of the pathologist and, in the case of the blood, the source of the blood, e.g., the femorals. If the blood is to be analyzed for volatiles, some should be kept in a test tube with a Teflon-lined screw top rather than a rubber stopper through which volatile compounds can diffuse. The practice of opening the pericardial sac, positioning a tube or jar under the heart, then cutting the heart and letting blood drain into the receptacle should be condemned, because it is very easy to contaminate the contents of the jar with pericardial fluid and other material that might be present in the chest cavities. This may dilute the blood (with resultant fallacious low levels) or, if there has been diffusion of a drug from the stomach into pericardial or chest fluid, may actually contaminate it with the drug such that inaccurately high levels are detected in the “heart blood.”

The best examples are the tricyclic antidepressants. In cases involving these drugs, quantitation of the liver has been suggested as being superior to blood levels in determining whether one is dealing with an acute overdose or levels caused by chronic medication. Pounder et al., however, have called this into question by demonstrating postmortem diffusion of drugs from the stomach into the liver, principally the left lobe. Diffusion of alcohol into the cardiac chambers, the superior vena cava and the aorta is more controversial. The general feeling is that, while this can occur, it is uncommon. Diffusion appears to be associated with very high concentrations of alcohol in the stomach; failure to refrigerate the body for more that 24 hours, and an increasing time from death to collection of the blood.

In individuals who have died after several hours or days of hospitalization, one would expect that any drugs in the blood at the time of admission would be metabolized. This is usually, but not always, the case. In these instances, not only should blood be obtained at autopsy, but the hospital in which the individual was a patient should be contacted to see if any blood obtained at or shortly after hospitalization is still in existence. This should then be obtained for toxicologic analysis. In trauma cases, blood is usually drawn immediately on admission to the emergency room and sent to the blood bank for typing and cross-match; it should then be retained in the blood bank for at least 2 weeks. Unless there has been unusually prolonged survival, the drug that causes death will be present in the blood. Even with prolonged survival, the drug can usually be detected in the vitreous, bile, or urine. Blood is collected from either the femoral or subclavian vessels. Blood should never be collected by way of a blind stab through the anterior chest wall into the heart. This is to preclude inadvertent contamination of the blood with fluid contents from the esophagus, pericardial sac, stomach or pleural cavity. Toxicologic analysis should be oriented to analysis of blood. With rare exception, virtually all drugs and their major metabolites can now be detected in blood in any modern toxicology lab. [1]Heroin is an exception. But even in this case one can usually prove conclusively that it was taken. Thus, heroin (di-acetylmorphine) is almost immediately metabolized to mono-acetylmorphine and then to morphine in the blood after injection. The detection of morphine in the blood was assumed to indicate that the individual died of an overdose of heroin. In some deaths in an emergency room, it was contended that the individual was inadvertently given morphine, thus causing death, i.e., the deceased was not a drug addict.

Mono-acetylmorphine can often be detected in the vitreous after it has disappeared from the blood. In cases of head trauma, where there is a subdural collection of blood and the individual survives a number of days, subdural blood can be analyzed for alcohol. The results will be a crude approximation of the alcohol level of the deceased at the time the head trauma was incurred.

Most drugs are excreted in the urine. Analysis of urine for drugs is easy because there is no protein binding to hinder extraction and many drugs are concentrated in the urine. It should be realized, however, that the level of a drug in the urine is usually of no significance in the interpretation of the cause of death. It is the level in the blood that determines whether an individual lives or dies. An example would be the case of an individual who died of hypoxic encephalopathy believed caused by a heroin overdose. In such a case, an analysis for morphine in the bile is conducted to see if an opiate had been used in the past several days. Liver and kidney are rarely used nowadays because there is no direct correlation between levels in these organs and blood levels. Hair and fingernails can be retained for analysis if one suspects arsenic poisoning. The muscle, especially that of the thigh, is often well preserved, in spite of advanced decomposition. In one case involving cocaine, even after embalming and disinterment of the body months after burial, cocaine and two of its metabolites, in lethal levels, were identified and quantitated in the muscle. Levels of drugs in the muscle more accurately reflect blood levels than the liver or kidney. Analysis of insects, e.g., maggots, feeding on a severely decomposed body have demonstrated the presence of drugs such as barbiturates, benzodiazepines, opiates and cocaine.

Analysis of biological tissues for toxicological purposes involves three fundamental steps applicable to any specimen:

1. Separation of the drug from the biological tissue
2. Purification of the drug
3. Analytical detection and quantitation

Separation of a drug from the biological specimen, e.g., blood, is usually accomplished using a solvent. Purification is carried out by additional extraction procedures using alkaline and acid solutions. Analysis is then conducted by gas chromatography (GC), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), high performance liquid chromatography, immunoassay or UV spectrophotometry. It must be realized that, except for GC-MS, none of the methods is totally specific.

One of the more recently developed tools of the forensic toxicologist is the immunoassays. There are four types:

  1. radioimmunoassay,
  2. enzyme immunoassay,
  3. fluorescent immunoassay and
  4.  kinetic interaction of microparticles.

The major advantage to these systems is that large numbers of tests can be performed in a small amount of time using an extremely small volume of specimen, with semi-automated and automated systems to speed the rate of analysis. While radio-immuoassays can be used on blood, the other types of immunoassay should be confined to analysis of urine. There are two disadvantages to immunoassay techniques. First, the analysis is usually very narrow in scope; i.e., one analyzes for either a specific drug or a specific family of drugs, rather than for the several hundred drugs that can be analyzed for in one test with a GC or GC-MS. In addition, this method of analysis is not absolutely specific, although, with some of the newer kits, the specificity is extremely good. A positive test result must be confirmed by another analytical method, usually GC-MS. In a high-volume forensic lab, immunoassay methods can be used to screen for opiates, cocaine, amphetamines and methamphetamines, barbiturates, and cannabinoids in the urine. Negative results indicate that the compounds are not present; positive results indicate that the compound may be present. Generally, toxicological screens can be divided into four general groups. First is the screen for lower alcohols. This involves analysis by gas chromatography. and will identify acetone, isopropyl alcohol, n-propyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, and methyl alcohol. Blood for this test should be collected in a tube containing sodium fluoride and potassium oxalate to prevent postmortem alcohol formation or loss. The second screen is the acidic and neutral screen. This is performed on urine by immunoassay. It detects primarily barbiturates, salicylates, ethclorvynol, and carbarnates. Confirmation and quantitation is usually by GC-MS. The third screen is the basic screen. It detects tranquilizers, synthetic narcotics, local anesthetics, antihistamines, antidepressants, alkaloids, and other agents extractable from alkaline aqueous solution. Hundreds of drugs and metabolites can be detected by this procedure, depending on how it is structured. The equipment necessary for these screens is either a GC or GCMS. General screening can be done with a GC, with confirmation and quantitation by GC-MS. The fourth screen is the narcotics screen. It can be readily accomplished nowadays with immunoassay on urine. This test screens for the opiates, cocaine, and methadone. A positive test by the immunoassay requires positive identification and quantitation by a GC-MS on blood. Drugs not detected in the aforementioned screen include some whose blood therapeutic or abuse levels are extremely low. These can be picked up by GC-MS. Examples are phencyclidine, fentanyl derivatives, etc. If these drugs are suspected or common in one’s population, an immunoassay screen can be performed on urine. Cyanide can be analyzed for by using a specific ion electrode or other chemical techniques. Alkaloid poisons, such as strychnine and nicotine, are detected in the basic screen.

In all homicides, accidents, and suicides, the authors recommend the lower alcohol screen; the acidic and neutral screen; and the basic screen. In stranger-to-stranger homicides and those in which the use of narcotics is suspected, the narcotic screen is also recommended. In natural deaths, the authors recommend the alcohol, the acidic and neutral screen, and the basic screen. Deaths caused by ingestion, injection, snorting, or inhalation of drugs fall into four categories by manner: homicide, suicide, accident, and undetermined. The last category is used when a decision as to manner of death cannot be made. For the most part, the accidental category is made up of deaths caused by drug abuse. In the nineteenth century, the “three curses of mankind” were said to be alcohol, morphine, and cocaine.
After alcohol and marijuana, the most commonly abused drugs are probably heroin and cocaine. There are numerous other drugs of abuse: the synthetic narcotics, phencyclidine, amphetamine and methamphetamine, propoxyphene, inhalants, and so on.

Any drink containing from 0.5 to 95% alcohol is considered an alcoholic beverage. The term “proof” is used to describe the strength of an alcoholic beverage. Proof is defined as twice the percentage of the alcohol content of the drink. Thus, an 80-proof beverage is 40% alcohol. The alcohol content of beer ranges between 3.2 and 4%, table wines 7.1 to 14%, whiskey 40–75%, vodka 40–50%, gin 40–85%, and rum 40–95%. Alcohol is rapidly absorbed from all the mucosal surfaces of the gastrointestinal tract. In fasting individuals, 20–25% of a dose of alcohol is absorbed from the stomach and 75–80% from the small intestine. Food delays the absorption of alcohol. Following ingestion of alcohol on an empty stomach, peak blood alcohol concentration occurs within one half to 2 h (average 0.75–1.35 h), whereas with food in the stomach, peak levels are reached within 1–6 h (average 1.06–2.12 h). Alcohol is soluble in water, it is present in the body tissue in direct relation to the amount of water content of the tissue or fluid. Specimens with high water content, such as blood or vitreous, will have high concentrations of alcohol compared with tissues such as the liver or brain. Forensic pathologists tend to deal in whole blood when performing alcohol determinations, while clinicians often use serum or plasma. The plasma or serum to whole blood alcohol concentration ratio averages 1.18 (a range of 1.10 to 1.35). It is often not realized that there may be a significant difference in the alcohol concentration of arterial blood and venous blood in the absorptive phase, with arterial blood up to 40% higher in alcohol concentration than venous blood. The next-best tissue to analylze for alcohol is muscle. We prefer muscle from the thigh since it is isolated from other organs, unlike psoas muscle, it appears to be fairly resistant to decomposition.Immediately on entering the body, alcohol begins to undergo metabolism. It is metabolized to acetaldehyde, acetaldehyde to acetic acid, and acetic acid to carbon dioxide and water. The vast majority of the metabolism (95%) occurs in the liver. Blood alcohol in males is metabolized at an average rate of 15 mg/dL per hour (a range of 11–22 mg), and in females at 18 mg/ dL per hour (a range of 11–22 mg). Alcohol, being a drug, has measurable effect on many of the physiological activities of the body. Alcohol impairs visual acuity, adaption to both light and darkness, discrimination of colors, persistence or speed of response to visual stimulation, focusing… . Most deaths caused by acute alcohol intoxication occur with blood alcohol levels of 400 mg% or greater. Inexperienced drinkers are more susceptible than chronic alcoholics. Chronic alcoholics have been apprehended operating motor vehicles with blood alcohols of 450–500 mg% and have actually survived alcohol levels as high as 600–700 mg%.

Some of Intoxicating substances:

Methanol is oxidized by the liver to formaldehyde, which in turn is oxidized to formic acid. Formic acid is six times more toxic than methanol. Symptoms of acute
methanol poisoning are weakness, nausea, vomiting, headache, epigastric pain, dyspnea, and cyanosis. Inebriation is not a prominent symptom. The symptoms may occur within half an hour after ingestion or may not appear for 24 h. If a fatal amount of methyl alcohol has been ingested, the aforementioned symptoms will be followed by stupor, coma, convulsions, hypothermia, and death. Death is nearly always preceded by blindness. If the individual does survive, he may be permanently blind, due apparently to a specific toxicity for the retinal cells. Death in methyl alcohol poisoning is caused by the acidosis from production of organic acids and the CNS depressant action of the alcohol.

Isopropanol is available to the public as rubbing alcohol in a 70% aqueous solution. It has twice the CNS depressant potential of ethanol. Unlike methanol, it is not in itself toxic. It is metabolized in the liver to acetone. A lethal dose of isopropanol is estimated at 250 mL for an adult. It should be noted that the appearance of small amounts of isopropanol in the blood is not necessarily indicative of ingestion of this alcohol. In diabetics with ketoacidosis, and in cases of starvation with high levels of acetone, acetone may be converted to isopropyl alcohol.

Ethylene glycol is the principal component of most automotive antifreeze solutions. In humans, it is metabolized to a number of compounds, the most important of which is oxalic acid. Ethylene glycol itself is not toxic; it is the metabolites (principally oxalic acid) that are. Minimum lethal dose is estimated at 100 mL for an adult, though individuals have survived significantly higher amounts. The clinical manifestations of acute ethylene glycol intoxication can be divided into neurological, cardiorespiratory, and renal. Neurological symptoms usually develop within a half hour to 12h after ingestion. The individual develops nausea, vomiting, convulsions, and coma.

Heroin was introduced to medicine and the public in the early part of the 20th century as a replacement for morphine and codeine. In all cases, individuals who die of an overdose of heroin are either under the influence of alcohol or intoxicated at the time of death. More recently, we have seen a number of deaths caused by “speedballs,” a combination of heroin and cocaine. At autopsy of an individual who has died of an overdose of heroin, the lungs are heavy and show congestion, though the classic pulmonary edema mentioned in some of the older textbooks is not always present. Microscopic examination of the lungs commonly reveals foreign-body granulomas with talc crystals and cotton fibers. The cotton originates from the “strainer.” The talc probably has been used as a cutting agent. There is usually enlargement of the periportal lymph nodes. Microscopic examination of the liver will reveal a chronic triaditis with a mononuclear cell infiltrate.

Fentanyl is 50–100 times more potent than morphine. It is the preferred drug of abuse of anesthesiologists. It is available both in hospitals and clandestinely. It can be taken intravenously, orally, smoked, snorted or by way of skin patches, with the intravenous route the most common. Therapeutic levels are in the low ng/mL levels (1–3 ng/mL). Fatalities are seen at levels begining at 3 ng/mL.

Cocaine can be sniffed, shot intravenously, or smoked as “crack.” While originally said to be nonaddictive (just like heroin), it is now realized that it is a very potent addictive compound, especially the crack (free base) form. When smoked as crack, it is immediately absorbed by the lungs and reaches the brain within seconds. It takes slightly longer for its action to affect the brain when injected intravenously. Cocaine is a relatively short-acting drug such that to maintain a high, one has to take it every 15 min to an hour. Since it is a potent vasoconstrictor, snorting the drug can occasionally cause ulceration and perforation of the nasal septum with long-term use. Cocaine has also been linked to myocardial infarctions, cerebral hemorrhages and dissecting aortic aneurysms. Cocaine-related deaths are generally not dose related. Cocaine is rapidly hydrolyzed to benzoylecgonine and other derivatives by blood cholinesterases. Continued breakdown of cocaine will continue in the test tube unless it is inhibited by the addition of fluoride. After being taken, cocaine appears almost immediately in the urine. Habitual, prolonged, heavy use of cocaine can make an individual aggressive, violent, and paranoid. Such individuals may become extremely violent and assaultive.

Methamphetamine is also a cardiovascular stimulant. It blocks re-uptake of norepinephrine and causes an increase in catecholamine release. The euphoric effect is similar to cocaine but may last as long as ten times that of cocaine. Methamphetamine is metabolized to amphetamine, its major active metabolite. Amphetamine itself is rarely encountered. In overdoses, methamphetamine causes restlessness, confusion, hallucinations, coma, convulsions, and cardiac arrhythmias. With chronic abuse, just like cocaine, it can produce a chemical paranoid psychosis.

The Police Department; and a Chief Inspector – Mr. Erik Akerboom                                 ©


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[1] Heroin, also known as diamorphine among other names, is an opioid most commonly used as a recreational drug for its euphoric effects. Medically it is used in several countries to relieve pain or in opioid replacement therapy. Heroin is typically injected, usually into a vein; however, it can also be smoked, snorted or inhaled. Onset of effects is usually rapid and lasts for a few hours.

Molecular formula: C21H23NO5
Molecular weight: 369.4 g/mol

Diamorphine (diacetylmorphine; CAS-561-27-3) is produced by the acetylation of crude morphine. The systematic name (IUPAC) is (5α,6α)-7,8-didehydro-4,5-epoxy-17-methylmorphinan-3,6-diol acetate. Although five pairs of enantiomers are theoretically possible in morphine, only one occurs naturally (5R, 6S, 9R, 13S, 14R).

Common side effects include respiratory depression (decreased breathing), dry mouth, euphoria, and addiction. Other side effects can include abscesses, infected heart valves, blood borne infections, constipation, and pneumonia. After a history of long-term use, withdrawal symptoms can begin within hours of last use. When given by injection into a vein, heroin has two to three times the effect as a similar dose of morphine.  It typically comes as a white or brown powder.


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