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Wyświetlanie postów z wrzesień, 2016


The notion itself has got many meanings such as witchery or spell-craft. It was quite complex and wide-spread, as much as forbidden. The belief in and practice of magic was perceived as a treachery and treason, actions against the Church and the holly spirit. Regardless of what had been said, the alchemy and healing practices were combined altogether alongside with the onset of medicine. Witchcraft is very much indeed combined with paranormal, magical activity such as: necromancy, shamanism, spiritualism, occult and possession. In 1466 the book was published, it was revolutionary manifesto called "Malleus Maleficarun" " The Hammer of the Witches". German Dominican – Henrich Kramer, so-called witch-finder stated: "(...) Magicians who are commonly called witches, are thus termed on account of the magnitude of their evil deeds. These are they who by the permission of God disturd the elements who drive to distraction of minds of men, such as h...