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Wyświetlanie postów z lipiec, 2016

#1 Afghanistan

  The country is old as the hills, mountainous and not penetrable, yet, very much indeed fascinating and mystique. This lands of contradictions has always been far-fetched and eagerly discovered. The rich natural goods and picturesque landscapes intrigued many, just a few dared to visit, exploit and describe this hostile land. It is is indeed a hostile soil, very difficult to live in. The USSR endlessly tried to conquer it. Every single time they had to withdraw, prepare again to another attempt, and so on and on. Nowadays US military operation in Afghanistan proves – it is an unbroken country, they never accept changes, no matter how well-masterminded it all becomes, always be declined.  The Afghans has always lived in their closed enclaves, not engaged in western world and its civilization. The history proved ...