The sperm whales are often found stranded on shore. The reason why they push themselves onto the beach is still unknow, the presumptions var y , most possibly, it is an illness, perhaps, some kind of a disease, which directs them to the land, where they are marooned and die. This case was not any other than that, five beached sperm whales had died overnight on the shore of the Island of Texel. The whales were very dangrously close to the shore, the ditsnce was trecherous and became a lethal trap for the mammals. As scientists foresaw it was almost impossible to get them back onto the open ocean. Some of them which had been turned back, spinned aroung and returned onto the very shallow water, the shore itself. The reason of such behaviour is still a puzzle to be solved. ''We wish it could last longer'' – one of the authorities said, however, the Netherlands do have a protocol, which gives 12 hours to rescue the mammals, if it doesn't hap...