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Wyświetlanie postów z 2016

Children of War! It never STOPS!

What do children dream of? … I believe, they dream of becoming a doctor, a policeman/ woman, an astronaut, a soldier, perhaps, too…. In some countries, the counties at war, this peculiar dream of being a soldier is a reality children have to face with. In modern highly developed world where paternity is an utmost important issue, a vulnerable child stays a child. Sadly in many parts of the world a child is the child that kills. This unprecedented notion is still popular, it is a cheap tool of leading a war, the most cruel of all. Neither can it be underestimated or ignored. It exists and must be got rig of … by all means … yet, the world learnt it is not that simple. The children soldiers were wide-spread since the image of war emerged, it was not a common procedure to recruit a child to kill; an innocent, not fully comprehensive young, inexperienced life. It was always a successful recruitment. The USSR, Cambodia, Japan, China, Yugoslavia, Africa, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq,...

Chemical Weapon

                                                Chemical weapon is the most dreadful of all weapons of mass destruction. Its power and devastating input could be seen and be very much aware of in Iran and Iraq. Its overwhelming impact on human body was reported and acknowledged in 1984. Early 1980s Iran and Iraq were fighting over the land and domination over the ideology and oil fields – somewhere in the middle were civilians and soldiers who were about to find out what the chemical weapon may do, its destructive notion was irreversible and inevitable – avoided and prevented. The soldier was a victim of the chemical weapon – one can only dream of in nightmares. He was wounded by a heavy smoke emitted from the artillery shells. He was very badly wounded, His skin began to itch, his eyes burned, the body was gradually covered with blisters. A co...

# 10 Japan Nanjing

History of Japan has been filled with disgrace and violent acts of crimes against humanity, the period of the Second World War, in particular. Shameful acts were omnipresent, I have already described, partially, naturally, the outstanding and beautiful literature, however, behind the facade of fine verses and phrases lies something much more profound, not an imaginary line, yet, truth – crime which is not welcomed and easily acknowledged. The Nanjing Massacre was one of the most horrendous acts of violence, it took place shortly before the Second World War began, in 1937. The Chinese at Nanjing were treated as not human being, but, rather as sub-humane race. The pictures that have been taken at that time, well, are like a 'holy grail' for the International Military Tribunal for the Far East . Only small number of it prevailed, enough, though, to portray the evidence, which, is scarcely a...


The notion itself has got many meanings such as witchery or spell-craft. It was quite complex and wide-spread, as much as forbidden. The belief in and practice of magic was perceived as a treachery and treason, actions against the Church and the holly spirit. Regardless of what had been said, the alchemy and healing practices were combined altogether alongside with the onset of medicine. Witchcraft is very much indeed combined with paranormal, magical activity such as: necromancy, shamanism, spiritualism, occult and possession. In 1466 the book was published, it was revolutionary manifesto called "Malleus Maleficarun" " The Hammer of the Witches". German Dominican – Henrich Kramer, so-called witch-finder stated: "(...) Magicians who are commonly called witches, are thus termed on account of the magnitude of their evil deeds. These are they who by the permission of God disturd the elements who drive to distraction of minds of men, such as h...

#1 Afghanistan

  The country is old as the hills, mountainous and not penetrable, yet, very much indeed fascinating and mystique. This lands of contradictions has always been far-fetched and eagerly discovered. The rich natural goods and picturesque landscapes intrigued many, just a few dared to visit, exploit and describe this hostile land. It is is indeed a hostile soil, very difficult to live in. The USSR endlessly tried to conquer it. Every single time they had to withdraw, prepare again to another attempt, and so on and on. Nowadays US military operation in Afghanistan proves – it is an unbroken country, they never accept changes, no matter how well-masterminded it all becomes, always be declined.  The Afghans has always lived in their closed enclaves, not engaged in western world and its civilization. The history proved ...

#16 Guilty!

The history of the Balkans has always been filled with bloody conflicts, underpinned among all by incomprehensive notions, yet, despite it, each of them changed the shape of Europe, European thinking and the way the Western Europe perceived its Eastern counterpart. The region was born throughout the wars and throughout the uneasy times, the oppression started aggression, the vicious circle.   ''(...) in December 1991 Serbs voted against Bosnia's seceding from Yugoslavia in a referendum largely boycotted by Muslims and Croats.  Capitalizing on the results of the referendum, Serb nationalist politicians declared their own state in Bosnia, the Republika Srbska (...)''   Centuries layered upon, till the end of the game. Hence, there was no end, at all.   ''(...) Before the war, no place on earth  made her feel safer than Srebrenica.   Camila's father had been a locksmith and her mother a housewife. After high school, she had journeye...